Outlanders IDO This Friday on PolkaBridge

2 min readJun 9, 2022

Great opportunity to invest early and secure $LAND

Outlanders is a pioneering blockchain-based MMORPG that integrates move-to-earn and play-to-earn rewards for crypto-native and non-crypto-native gamers. The platform recently announced an exciting partnership with PolkaBridge, which will host the latest IDO for Outlanders’ native token, $LAND. PolkaBridge offers an investor-friendly fundraising infrastructure, connecting investors to deals that provide returns of several multiples.

Remember to log on this Friday, June 10, 2022 at 2:00 PM UTC on the PolkaBridge platform and secure your $LAND tokens!

Outlanders is one of the hottest blockchain-based games, featuring exciting gameplay in a completely immersive environment. Players compete for territorial dominance in an endless open world, combating in-game monsters and fighting against other guilds to earn lucrative rewards. Outlanders features a sleek on-boarding process allowing non-crypto users to immediately start playing and earning rewards without going through the tedious process of creating and connecting a Web3 wallet.

PolkaBridge’s three-tier allocation system guarantees equal and fair distribution, ensuring that every participant will have the opportunity to purchase $LAND this Friday. Funds raised from this event will be used to further game development and boost the platform’s popularity amongst users.

Investors must fill the form here and stake their holdings to participate. Visit the PolkaBridge launchpad to track pool and token information!




Join Web3 Gaming with Outlanders! A MMORPG with easy onboarding for Web2 Gamers. Explore a vast virtual world, play and earn without blockchain experience.